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==List of herbs==
==List of herbs==
This list documents some of the herbs used for brewing and other skills in Alter Aeon.
Most herbs can be found using the gather herb skill. Others are available only through shopkeepers, mobs, or specific locations.
For other items also used in skills like brew potion, brew poison, etc. Check out [[Spell Component]] and [[Food]]

{| class="wikitable sortable"
{| class="wikitable sortable"
! Name
! Level
! Notes
| angelica plant
|angelica plant
| 28
| anise funnelcap
|anise funnelcap
| 27
| basalm fir resin
|basalm fir resin
| 32
| basil and oregano leaves
|basil and oregano leaves
| 28
| bellwort root
|bellwort root
| 10
| big green leaf
|big green leaf
| 32
| bit of foxroot
|bindweed root
| 30
| bittersweet bolete
|bit of foxroot
| 27
| black pine cone
|bittersweet bolete
| 7
| blackspore mold
|black pine cone
| 41
| bloody agaric mushroom
|blackspore mold
| 45
| blusher mushroom
|blade of sweetgrass
| 30
| bogbean plant
|bloody agaric mushroom
| 21
| brown toadstool
|bluefoot webcap
| 15
| bunch of elephant garlic
|blusher mushroom
| 30
| bundle of madder roots
|bogbean plant
| 27
| bundle of weld flowers
|boll of cotton
| 28
| bundle of woad leaves
|brown toadstool
| 29
| cactus pulp
|bunch of elephant garlic
| 48
| claw-wood leaf
|bundle of madder roots
| 25
| clay waxycap
|bundle of weld flowers
| 35
| cleavers
|bundle of woad leaves
| 11
| clubfoot funnelcap
|cactus pulp
| 25
| cluster of chamomile blossoms
|carnishroom button
| 16
| cluster of slither berries
|chili pepper
| 26
| cornflower bolete
|claw-wood leaf
| 25
| couple of garlic bulbs
|clay waxycap
| 31
| cow-parsnip leaves
| 6
| cowslip root
|clubfoot funnelcap
| 24
| crown toadstool
|cluster of bleeding fairy helmet mushroom
| 14
| dark-spotted milkcap
|cluster of chamomile blossoms
| 19
| Darklord's special blend of herbs and spices
|cluster of honey mushrooms
| 30
| devil's cigar mushroom
|cluster of slither berries
| 60
| dill weed
|cornflower bolete
| 10
| dog stinkhorn mushroom
|couple of garlic bulbs
| 29
| dried carnishroom
|cow-parsnip leaves
| 26
| enriched soil clods
|cowslip root
| 44
| ephedra twig
|crown toadstool
| 21
| false brittlegill
|dark-spotted milkcap
| 22
| false chanterelle
|Darklord's special blend of herbs and spices
| 25
| false unicorn plant
|deathcap mushroom
| 24
| firewater weed
|devil's cigar mushroom
| 21
| flakes of sycamore bark
|dill weed
| 15
| fly agaric mushroom
|dog stinkhorn mushroom
| 18
| poison
| fresh dragon ginger
|dragonfoot root
| 30
| fresh pipe leaf
|dried carnishroom
| 31
| fringed crumblecap
|enriched soil clods
| 26
| gill-o'er-the-grass
|ephedra twig
| 4
| gray milkcap
|false brittlegill
| 23
| gray-violete bolete
|false chanterelle
| 37
| greased webcap
|false unicorn plant
| 37
| grisette mushroom
|firewater weed
| 27
| ground cinnamon
|flakes of sycamore bark
| 23
| groundwart mushroom
|fly agaric mushroom
| 26
| handful of castor beans
|fresh dragon ginger
| 33
| poison
| handful of cumin seeds
|fresh pipe leaf
| 19
| handful of marigold petals
|fringed crumblecap
| 31
| handful of red leaves
| 31
| handful of rugosa rose hips
|gold drop milkcap
| 20
| heliotrope webcap
|gray milkcap
| 49
| hydra weed stem
|gray-violete bolete
| 41
| posion
| inky cap mushroom
|greased webcap
| 25
| jack-o-lantern mushroom
|grisette mushroom
| 44
| kudzu flower
|ground cinnamon
| 27
| large clove of garlic
|groundwart mushroom
| 20
| large red tomato
|handful of castor beans
| 28
| large yam
|handful of cumin seeds
| 32
| lattice stinkhorn mushroom
|handful of marigold petals
| 28
| lemonbalm
|handful of nightshade petals
| 1
| marjoram
|handful of red leaves
| 35
| mint leaf
|handful of rugosa rose hips
| 30
| mysterious shroom of kenai
|heliotrope webcap
| 55
| old-man-of-the-woods
|hydra weed stem
| 44
| orange flamecap
|inky cap mushroom
| 32
| orc berry
|jack-o-lantern mushroom
| 4
| packet of blue leaves
|jar of ground thyme
| 10
| peat moss
|kiltzu vine
| 12
| piece of leaf
|kudzu flower
| 1
| pine truffle
|large clove of garlic
| 34
| pink orchid petal
|large red tomato
| 5
| pitcher plant
|large yam
| 18
| powderpuff milkcap
|lattice stinkhorn mushroom
| 23
| pressed orange blossom of an extinct plant
| 75
| prickly lettuce leaves
|lovage root
| 2
| purple spotted mushroom
| 45
| poison
| raspberry leaf
|mint leaf
| 15
| red clover blossom
|mysterious shroom of kenai
| 2
| red onion
| 23
| red-gill webcap
|orange flamecap
| 27
| rosy bolete
|orc berry
| 23
| sack of dried flowers
|packet of blue leaves
| 30
| salmon pinkgill
|peat moss
| 47
| scallop brittlegill
|piece of leaf
| 29
| sculpted puffball
|pine truffle
| 24
| several pieces of mossy bark
|pink orchid petal
| 24
| shadow shroom
|pink waxycap
| 25
| skunk cabbage root
|pitcher plant
| 17
| smoky puffball mushroom
|powderpuff milkcap
| 27
| snakeroot
|pressed orange blossom of an extinct plant
| 23
| soapy cavalier
|prickly lettuce leaves
| 25
| some marjoram
|purple spotted mushroom
| 35
| spikenard root
|raspberry leaf
| 23
| spruce resin
|red clover blossom
| 26
| stalk of eyebright
|red onion
| 22
| stinking brittlegill
|red-gill webcap
| 39
| stinky squid mushroom
|rosy bolete
| 36
| strips of apple tree bark
|sack of dried flowers
| 5
| strips of basswood bark
|salmon pinkgill
| 17
| strips of black cherry bark
|scallop brittlegill
| 13
| strips of black walnut bark
|scaly hyndum mushroom
| 6
| strips of blue ash bark
|scarlet elf cup
| 33
| strips of catalpa bark
|scrawny plant
| 23
| strips of cottonwod bark
|sculpted puffball
| 10
| strips of darkwood bark
|several pieces of mossy bark
| 48
| strips of green ash bark
|shadow shroom
| 2
| strips of hackberry bark
|skunk cabbage root
| 1
| strips of mountain ash bark
|smoky puffball mushroom
| 29
| strips of red oak bark
| 4
| strips of redbud bark
|soapweed root
| 18
| strips of sandalwood bark
|soapy cavalier
| 36
| strips of sassafras bark
|some delicate leaves
| 24
| strips of slippery elm bark
|some dried, spotted blue mushrooms
| 31
| strips of white oak bark
|some green lichen
| 7
| strips of witchhazel bark
|some marjoram
| 25
| tangle of dodder vines
|spikenard root
| 18
| thimbleweed root
|sporebat mushroom
| 5
| thorn from a hawthorne tree
|sprig of candlewort
| 32
| toothwort root
|sprig of pennyroyal
| 2
| troll moss
|spruce resin
| 49
| unicorn pinkgill
|stalk of eyebright
| 49
| wad of sweetgum
|stinking brittlegill
| 20
| wasabi plant
|stinky squid mushroom
| 26
| water plantain
|strips of apple tree bark
| 25
| white clover blossom
|strips of basswood bark
| 1
| white pine pitch
|strips of beech bark
| 28
| wild catnip
|strips of birch bark
| 23
| wildflower
|strips of black cherry bark
| 25
| witch's butter
|strips of black walnut bark
| 33
| wood lily
|strips of blackwood bark
| 23
| yellow rose
|strips of bloodwood bark
| 29
| yucca root
|strips of blue ash bark
| 25
|strips of catalpa bark
|strips of claw-wood bark
|strips of cottonwod bark
|strips of darkwood bark
|strips of green ash bark
|strips of hackberry bark
|strips of hemlock bark
|strips of ironwood bark
|strips of mountain ash bark
|strips of red cedar bark
|strips of red oak bark
|strips of redbud bark
|strips of sandalwood bark
|strips of sassafras bark
|strips of slippery elm bark
|strips of sweetgum bark
|strips of white ash bark
|strips of white oak bark
|strips of willow bark
|strips of witchhazel bark
|sweetflag root
|tangle of dodder vines
|thimbleweed root
|thorn from a hawthorne tree
|tinder fungus
|toothwort root
|troll moss
|trout lily root
|unicorn pinkgill
|violet webcap
|wad of sweetgum
|wasabi plant
|water plantain
|white clover blossom
|white iris
|white pine pitch
|wild catnip
|witch's butter
|wood lily
|yarrow plant
|yellow rose
|yucca root


Latest revision as of 16:12, 9 May 2015

List of herbs

This list documents some of the herbs used for brewing and other skills in Alter Aeon.

Most herbs can be found using the gather herb skill. Others are available only through shopkeepers, mobs, or specific locations.

For other items also used in skills like brew potion, brew poison, etc. Check out Spell Component and Food

Name Level Notes
angelica plant 28
anise funnelcap 27
basalm fir resin 32
basil and oregano leaves 28
bellwort root 10
big green leaf 32
bindweed root 7
bit of foxroot 30
bittersweet bolete 27
black pine cone 7
blackspore mold 41
blade of sweetgrass 5
bloody agaric mushroom 45
bluefoot webcap 36
blusher mushroom 30
bogbean plant 21
boll of cotton 44
brown toadstool 15
bunch of elephant garlic 30
bundle of madder roots 27
bundle of weld flowers 28
bundle of woad leaves 29
cactus pulp 48
carnishroom button 36
chili pepper 10
claw-wood leaf 25
clay waxycap 35
cleavers 11
clubfoot funnelcap 25
cluster of bleeding fairy helmet mushroom 7
cluster of chamomile blossoms 16
cluster of honey mushrooms 41
cluster of slither berries 26
cornflower bolete 25
couple of garlic bulbs 31
cow-parsnip leaves 6
cowslip root 24
crown toadstool 14
dark-spotted milkcap 19
Darklord's special blend of herbs and spices 30
deathcap mushroom 49 poison
devil's cigar mushroom 60
dill weed 10
dog stinkhorn mushroom 29
dragonfoot root 39
dried carnishroom 26
enriched soil clods 44
ephedra twig 21
false brittlegill 22
false chanterelle 25
false unicorn plant 24
firewater weed 21
flakes of sycamore bark 15
fly agaric mushroom 18 poison
fresh dragon ginger 30
fresh pipe leaf 31
fringed crumblecap 26
gill-o'er-the-grass 4
gold drop milkcap 15
gray milkcap 23
gray-violete bolete 37
greased webcap 37
grisette mushroom 27
ground cinnamon 23
groundwart mushroom 26
handful of castor beans 33 poison
handful of cumin seeds 19
handful of marigold petals 31
handful of nightshade petals 17
handful of red leaves 31
handful of rugosa rose hips 20
heliotrope webcap 49
hydra weed stem 41 posion
inky cap mushroom 25
jack-o-lantern mushroom 44
jar of ground thyme 29
kiltzu vine 3
kudzu flower 27
large clove of garlic 20
large red tomato 28
large yam 32
lattice stinkhorn mushroom 28
lemonbalm 1
lovage root 28
marjoram 35
mint leaf 30
mysterious shroom of kenai 55
old-man-of-the-woods 44
orange flamecap 32
orc berry 4
packet of blue leaves 10
peat moss 12
piece of leaf 1
pine truffle 34
pink orchid petal 5
pink waxycap 24
pitcher plant 18
powderpuff milkcap 23
pressed orange blossom of an extinct plant 75
prickly lettuce leaves 2
purple spotted mushroom 45 poison
raspberry leaf 15
red clover blossom 2
red onion 23
red-gill webcap 27
rosy bolete 23
sack of dried flowers 30
salmon pinkgill 47
scallop brittlegill 29
scaly hyndum mushroom 37
scarlet elf cup 29
scrawny plant 14
sculpted puffball 24
several pieces of mossy bark 24
shadow shroom 25
skunk cabbage root 17
smoky puffball mushroom 27
snakeroot 23
soapweed root 27
soapy cavalier 25
some delicate leaves 80
some dried, spotted blue mushrooms 25
some green lichen 1
some marjoram 35
spikenard root 23
sporebat mushroom 34
sprig of candlewort 42
sprig of pennyroyal 36
spruce resin 26
stalk of eyebright 22
stinking brittlegill 39
stinky squid mushroom 36
strips of apple tree bark 5
strips of basswood bark 17
strips of beech bark 19
strips of birch bark 28
strips of black cherry bark 13
strips of black walnut bark 6
strips of blackwood bark 35
strips of bloodwood bark 41
strips of blue ash bark 33
strips of catalpa bark 23
strips of claw-wood bark 10
strips of cottonwod bark 10
strips of darkwood bark 48
strips of green ash bark 2
strips of hackberry bark 1
strips of hemlock bark 23
strips of ironwood bark 44
strips of mountain ash bark 29
strips of red cedar bark 13
strips of red oak bark 4
strips of redbud bark 18
strips of sandalwood bark 36
strips of sassafras bark 24
strips of slippery elm bark 31
strips of sweetgum bark 20
strips of white ash bark 12
strips of white oak bark 7
strips of willow bark 23
strips of witchhazel bark 25
sweetflag root 21
tangle of dodder vines 18
thimbleweed root 5
thorn from a hawthorne tree 32
tinder fungus 35
toothwort root 2
troll moss 49
trout lily root 8
unicorn pinkgill 49
violet webcap 38
wad of sweetgum 20
wasabi plant 26
water plantain 25
white clover blossom 1
white iris 9
white pine pitch 28
wild catnip 23
wildflower 25
witch's butter 33
wood lily 23
yarrow plant 32
yellow rose 29
yucca root 25