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A container is a type of object that can contain other objects, this can be handy for sorting, storing and managing equipment. The number of items a player can carry in their inventory is limited, so having at least one container is a must. Containers are limited by weight capacity rather than number of items, different types will have varying capacity, size and weight. The size of the container may also limit what can be stored in it, for example a ten foot sword will not fit in a two foot container. The weight of a container and its contents will add to a players encumbrance unless the container is a weightless. As well as carryable containers to manage a characters equipment there are other types of container, such as chests, bookshelves etc which may contain useful objects. A corpse can also be considered to be a temporary container until it rots.

Item: 'bag large yellowbag yellow' 
Weight: 59  Size: 4'0"
Type: CONTAINER   Composition: FABRIC   Weight capacity: 55 of 124 lbs.
Object is: 
Estimated cost: 76  


  • To put items in a container type put <item> [in] <container>
  • To take items from a container type get <item> [from] <container>.
  • equipment sets can have a default container by typing eqset create <name> [container].
  • Items in a container can be filtered by typing look in <container> <search switches>.
  • To view the contents of a container in weight order type look in <container> -w

see also